
"How beautifully everything is arranged by Nature; as soon as a child enters the
world, it finds a mother ready to take care of it." ~Jules

Bronte and Bibi

Bibi was born within 5-6 hours
 "...pleasantly surprised it didn't take as long or hurt anywhere near as much as I had feared."
The day Bibi was born was her estimated due date and she was born in less than six hours. I had been to the obstetrician that morning and she'd declared I was only slightly dilated and unlikely to give birth that day. However I had decided that I didn't want to wait any more and would try some of the old wives tales to get things moving. So I bought a bottle of castor oil and made a milkshake with Sara Lee icecream, I also poked some evening primrose oil capsules inside near the cervix. That was around lunchtime, then I waited.